A New Approach for Quantitative Phosphoproteomic Dissection of Signaling Pathways Applied to T Cell Receptor Activation

Experiment Name
A New Approach for Quantitative Phosphoproteomic Dissection of Signaling Pathways Applied to T Cell Receptor Activation
Nguyen V,Cao L,Lin JT,Hung N,Ritz A,Yu K,Jianu R,Ulin SP,Raphael BJ,Laidlaw DH,Brossay L,Salomon AR. Molecular & cellular proteomics : MCP. 2009-December. Vol 8. 2418-31. [pubmed]
Phosphoproteomic analysis of T-cell receptor signaling in Zap-70 null cells vs. reconstructed Zap-70 cells
Jurkat T cells
Date Loaded
February 13 2013


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